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Can I bring my dog?

sandra s. lawn harbour & marina

The Sandra S. Lawn Harbour & Marina sits behind our Kinsmen Amphitheatre and provides a beautiful backdrop to our productions. The Marina is considered one of the premiere boating facilities in Ontario and is referred to as “THE JEWEL OF THE ST. LAWRENCE”. Marina staff provide a first class service, which has boaters from all over North America coming back season after season. Many boaters return each year to catch our plays.  The marina is named after our long-time board member and former mayor, Sandra Lawn.

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Shakespeare's Gardens
Can I bring my dog?
Sandra S. Lawn Harbour & Marina
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We want to acknowledge the original caretakers of this land, the peoples of the Anishnabek, Huron-Wendat, Haudenosaunee, Oneida and many other First Nations People who crossed these lands for sustenance, trade, and survival. This acknowledgement recognizes their long history, predating the establishment of European Colonies. We acknowledge this territory’s significance for the Indigenous Peoples who lived and continue to live upon it, a people whose practices and spiritualities were tied to the land and continue to develop in relationship to the territory and its other inhabitants today. We offer our gratitude for their contributions to this community, having respect for all as we share this space now and walk side by side into the future.

© 2023 St Lawrence Shakespeare Theatre Company. 202 King Street West, Prescott, ON, Canada K0E 1T0.
The St Lawrence Shakespeare Theatre Company is a not-for-profit registered charity.

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