Our continuing success is thanks to the amazing support we have received over the years from community partners.
As a not-for-profit corporation we rely heavily on generous donations, sponsorships, solid marketing, volunteers
and, of course, audiences of all ages from near and far!
Arts organizations are a necessity to local infrastructure. A theatre festival like ours looks to engage not only
through excellent work on the stage, but also by its presence in the community at large. The St. Lawrence
Shakespeare Festival provides a tangible economic impact, which will support the continually growing tourism
industry, and further promote the overall draw of Prescott and surrounding areas.
To discuss sponsorship opportunities, please reach out to Ingrid Bjornson, General Manager, at gm@stlawrenceshakespeare.ca. We look forward to discussing a partnership with you and how we can work together to ensure shared-success.
Thank you to our 2024 Sponsors